Never Surrender Your Dream
Copyright © Charlie Page
Do you have a dream today?
Can you see yourself in one year, three years, ten years? Can
you describe the house you will live in? The clothes you will
wear? The routine you will follow every day?
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Far from some pie-in-the-sky hype, dreams are the real
currency of the Internet.
Many reading these words dream of quitting their job and
working at home. Some dream of having a home of their own.
Some don't dream any more.
No matter where you stand today please consider the following.
My friend, your dream is your map. Without it how will you
know where you are going?
Recent events have driven home the fact that life is short
indeed. Too short to spend it working at a job we don't love.
Listen to these words by Brian Tracy ...
All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine
what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then
they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or
purpose. - Brian Tracy
If you were my brother or sister, this is what I would say to
You must have a dream to make a dream come true. And you must
never surrender your dream.
If you are like most people you will spend more time working
than doing any other activity. Yet, many today don't like
their work.
So the question becomes this. Can you do what you love for a
living? Can you find the joy that comes when you WANT to go to
To that question I answer YES ... you can. I can say that
because it's happening to me.
I don't usually write something this personal, but please
allow me to share with you the five steps I used to make my
dream come true on the Internet. And let me encourage you to
take these steps in your life today. Time is fleeting. Begin
1. Realize that the Internet really has changed things. Jobs
exist today that didn't five years ago. The thing that got me
started on the Internet, that helped me create my dream, was a
book called 'Finding Your Perfect Work'.
That book helped me realize that I could create *any*
situation I wanted on the Internet. The Net is still new
territory. To a great degree, if you can dream it you can do
2. Know yourself. What do you REALLY want? Spend some time
with yourself and 'wave the magic wand'. If you could do
anything, if money wasn't a factor, what would you do? Keep
asking until you find an answer.
3. Research your answers. You will be shocked to discover the
career possibilities online. Pick your favorite search engine,
start a bookmark folder just for this, and find everything you
can about your passion.
4. Ask for help. Once you have zeroed in on what you want,
find someone who excels at it and learn at their feet. Be
prepared to get turned down a few times from people who are
too busy or uncaring. But never quit. You *will* find the
mentor you need if you try.
5. Be willing to start small. You may only be able to commit a
few hours at night to your new field because you have to feed
the family. That's OK. Time is your ally. And time will prove
if your idea will work.
Careers like being a virtual assistant, a net researcher, or
doing graphic art for e-Books exist today because of
innovative thinkers who found their passion. Find your passion
and you will create your opportunity.
Don't stop until you find (or create) that type of work that
both makes you happy and pays the bills. Who knows, YOU might
be the innovator who creates the next online industry.
Winston Churchill said 'The nose of the bulldog has been
slanted backward so it can breathe without letting go.'
When it comes to our dreams we need to be like the bulldog. We
must never surrender our dreams.
Charlie Page is the owner of the Directory of Ezines, the
first and most comprehensive list of quality ezines that
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