Fear of failure is what holds many people back from even trying something new. With extra income in mind You can earn extra income with your PC or smart Phone, learning these five steps.

Setting Up A Extra Income Website

It is essential that you understand up front what will be required of you to be successful in running any extra income online business in general.

Many people fail to establish an extra income sources using today’s Internet technologies. 

Because they do not have the basic ingredients to success online, mainly because they don’t have their own website or knowledge of creating one.

People who are new to the Internet world try to earn thousands of dollars from online business, without first gaining some basic knowledge of the online technology.

Some of them do not even know how to copy and paste. They get frustrated very easily and form the opinion that it is impossible to earn income with your computer.

How to setup a “Extra Income Website”? Follow these five simple steps below and watch your extra income website grow and create passive income even when you’re asleep.

extra incomeOne way to get started fast. Maybe simple because you don’t understand how to program a website then. I highly recommend this all in one package of process, software, guidance and help that enables anyone to create their website. That will build profitable businesses at unmatched rates of success, you can create your own website around what you know and love with all the tools in one place. It is absolute the best for who don’t know much about website programming! Take Advantage Of Their 3 months Free Trial.  And if you need help don’t forget to contact me personally.


1. First You’ll Need To Get A Website Hosting Account: I’m recommending hostGator because I think it is one of the best, and eases to use from my own experience, of over a decade in this online business. With monthly cost, there is 3 plans I personally used the Business Plan $10.36 per month for the first 3 years, more than enough time to know if your extra Income business will make it.  You can choose what you think will best suit your need. They have plan starting at $3.96 per month, and you get Free Site-Builder and WordPress Website Building Tools with everything you will ever need, and they have great customer service. You can setup hostGator website hosting account Here. Next, you’ll need to register a domain name.

2. Register Your Domain Name: also with hostGator Cost $12.95 a year or if you already own a Domain Name they will transfer it free for you. I did that too very good service. If you register a new one, you usually have to wait 24 to 48 hours for it to propagate. Now when you have your website hosting account and domain name ready, you can move on to step 3.

3. Setting Up WordPress On Your Hosting Account:  You will have already find wordPress in your hosting package, just click on (Getting started with WordPress today, contact me if you need help).WordPress is a free website ready software you can use it to create beautiful websites or blogs on your hosting account. You will have a website up and running in no time. Now you’ll need to put content on your site, what your site is about and so on. At this point you don’t have to worry about web design are anything else, just use plugins and widgets to make your website work the way you want. WordPress will be your control panel, you’ll control looks and feel with themes widgets and plugins, and you just have to write are copy and paste contents to build your pages.

4. Sign Up For ClickBank Affiliate ID For Free: If you do not have an ID yet. ClickBank is a marketplace where you can find any kind of affiliate programs to match your site, so you can integrate the affiliate link into your contents and if and when someone buy from one of you link you get a commission.

4.1. Sign Up For AdSense ID Free: With AdSense, you earn extra income by displaying small Google text ads on your website. Whenever visitors clicks on one, you earn extra stream of profits. Sign up for Google AdSense ID for free, if you do not have an ID yet. Note do not try to cheat Google, they will band you, please read their rules and learn how not to get band.  You can sign up here.

5. Sign Up For PayPal Account Its Free And Easy: This is very important, because most online payments, affiliate company etc. will pay you directly to your PayPal account, instead of long waiting checks. Then you can transfer money to your bank account, credit card are use it online as you wish.

Working online from your home are anywhere you chooses can be great fun and I can tell you that for sure, I have a seasonal contract job and some free time, so I love to use my free time and the Internet to make extra Income and teach others to do the same. Its just like word of mouth, but you don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to, they’ll find you from the internet anyway from all over the world.

Now when you are all done with the 5 steps up top, your main goal is to Driving free traffic to your website, Stay focus and be patient do not expect to get rich overnight, when you plant a seed online or anywhere else you have to wait for it to grow. And hey “DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB” not until you can see at lease $1,500, Sterling or Euros of extra income coming in every month for at lease a year, and if you really love your job you can still do it and watch your extra income grow on the side. Then you’ll be getting close to financial freedom.

Helping others from anywhere in the world is great, one can use the Internet and today’s Technologies to setup an extra income website to make Profit and have glory, that is why I love ProfitGlory.com.

About the author:

Rupert Aarons Will help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet. If you are not good at website programming css, html, php, java and all that stuff, or just need help for WordPress and anything you learn from my websites. you can contact me and I will do my best to help. With great respect to you all, make sure your subject say “Help With Five Steps Setting Up From Profit Glory”.
You can contact me here

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